Even Shadier Neighbors  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Money
Quest Items:
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Era:Laurion's Song'
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
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Entered: Sat Dec 23 03:01:16 2023
Modified: Tue Dec 26 23:50:22 2023
Laurion's Song Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

Prerequisite Quests: Shadier Neighbors

You can obtain this solo task from Thormir Helmsbane in Pal’Lomen. You can find Thormir Helmsbane at /way -480, -230, -25 towards the center of the zone. He is on the find tool as well CTRL F.

(Need dialogue)

(Need detail on each step)

  • 1. Tell Moliwyn that Thormir is ready 0/1 Pal'Lomen

  • 2. Slay Rallosian Lieutenants 0/10 Pal'Lomen

  • 3. Slay Rallosian Conquerors 0/10 Pal'Lomen

  • 4. Return to Thormir 0/1 Pal'Lomen

  • 5. Kill Snart 0/1 Pal'Lomen

  • 6. Deliver Dok's Orders to Thormir 0/1 Pal'Lomen

  • 7. Speak with Shalowain 0/1 Pal'Lomen

  • 8. Try to convince Elmara to not go forward with the plan 0/1 Pal'Lomen

  • 9. Kill Dok 0/1 Pal'Lomen

  • 10. Return to Shalowain 0/1 Pal'Lomen

    141 platinum 6 gold 6 silver 7 copper
    You gain experience!
  • Submitted by: Gidono
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    Quest stepts
    # Jan 14 2024 at 11:01 PM Rating: Excellent
    22 posts
    Grab mercenary quest, "Royal Rallosian Rumble" because you will be killing plenty of these mobs along the way

    1. Tell Moliwyn that Thormir is ready 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    You say, 'Thormir is ready'
    Your task 'Even Shadier Neighbors' has been updated.

    Moliwyn has a sour look on his face. This man hasn't felt the warmth of a smile across his face for some time. As you say the words to him, he takes a brief moment to absorb what you have said. You see his eyes well up with something you have not seen on his face for the time you have known him: hope. 'Those adventurers have done so much for our people, they deserve all of the happiness in the world.' His tears well up enough to fall down his cheek. He wipes it and sniffs before collecting himself. 'Right, the task at hand. We need to clear out as many of these Rallosians as we can. Culling their numbers will help with the next step, where we go after Dok and end this once and for all. Once finished, return to Thormir for further instructions.'

    2. Slay Rallosian Lieutenants 0/10 Pal'Lomen
    The west side of the zone is where these mobs pop. They are mixed in with all kinds of adds so be ready to fight multiple mobs are once here.

    3. Slay Rallosian Conquerors 0/10 Pal'Lomen
    The west side of the zone is where these mobs pop. They are mixed in with all kinds of adds so be ready to fight multiple mobs are once here.

    4. Return to Thormir 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'
    Your task 'Even Shadier Neighbors' has been updated.
    Thormir Helmsbane opens his mouth to greet you but immediately regrets it, as a large pile of ash lands on his tongue as he attempts to speak. He reflexively turns to spit away from you, accidentally spitting on the boots of Elistyl, who is now staring daggers through Thormir. Elistyl scrapes the toes of his boot into the forest floor, trying to clean it off. The coughing ends and Thormir addresses you. 'Aye, that was embarrassing, but good thing old Elistyl here understands that I didn't mean anything by it.' Elistyl snorts and turns his attention back to the plan in motion. 'Ye remember Snart? That wee lil bugger? I think it's about time we pay him a visit and he gets his comeuppance. You know where to find him. He's cruel but not particularly clever. He just thinks he is.'

    5. Kill Snart 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    You say, 'Hail, Snart'
    Snart snorts. 'I knew this day would come, the day where you would try to dispatch me. On this eve, the eve of my victory, you cannot be allowed to surpass me. Now die!'
    Snart's corpse says, 'My comrades will avenge my death.'
    [Sun Jan 14 20:09:24 2024] Snart has been slain by "Toon Name>"!

    6. Deliver Dok's Orders to Thormir 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    You offered 1 Dok's Orders to Thormir Helmsbane.
    Your task 'Even Shadier Neighbors' has been updated.
    Thormir Helmsbane beams a large grin at you when you approach. 'Ye coming back means ye finished the job. Excellent work. I was tired of that creature being a menace to these people.' He takes the missive and reads it to himself. His reaction shows that he may not have been reading the same words you read. He nods approvingly as he reads the missive. 'Ha! We now know where and when the army will be staging for its next push. That is where we can strike. Putting their numbers in disarray at the height of their preparations will cause the most chaos for the leaders. Great work with finding this. Shalowain wanted to speak with ye again. See what she has to say as we continue our prep.'
    You complete the trade with Thormir Helmsbane.

    7. Speak with Shalowain 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    You say, 'Hail, Shalowain'
    Your task 'Even Shadier Neighbors' has been updated.
    Shalowain speaks to you, but her words do not reach your ears. As she is speaking, an ethereal voice of Shalowain grows in your mind, talking over the Shalowain that is standing in front of you. 'Adventurer, I am begging you, please do not go further into this story. You will only find ruin. You will only find pain. You are going to speak with Elmara next. Try to convince her to not go forward with this plan. Or better yet, why don't you come back to the inn where it is warm and cozy? The band is back from their break and ready to start playing again.' As soon as the ethereal voice ends, the Shalowain in front of you is wrapping up what she was saying. '...That's why I would suggest speaking to Elmara about your next step.' You think it best to take her advice and see where this goes.'

    8. Try to convince Elmara to not go forward with the plan 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    You say, 'Hail, Elmara Emberclaw'
    Your task 'Even Shadier Neighbors' has been updated.
    Elmara Emberclaw is meditating as you approach her. Just as you open your mouth to speak, her eyes open and she interrupts. 'Oh, you look as ready to put an end to all of this as we are! There is nothing you can say or do to change our minds about this. We are going to free the Elddar, defeat the Rallosians, and bring order to Pal'Lomen, once and for all. I know I'm ready to bring this fight to Dok, you should be too. Everything is in order for us to draw out Dok and end this!' She is very excited at this moment, and you take a moment to think about Shalowain's words, but keep marching forward.

    9. Kill Dok 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    Dok is in the North West part of the zone. Pull from the far west side and clear your way in for the fewest adds.

    10. Return to Shalowain 0/1 Pal'Lomen
    You say, 'Hail, Shalowain'
    Your task 'Even Shadier Neighbors' has been updated.
    You have finally killed the leader of the Rallosian army. However, you get the sneaking suspicion that this isn't the end of the fight. Speaking with Shalowain in Laurion Inn may help you understand what actually happened on this fateful day, oh so long ago.

    You receive 7 copper .
    You receive 6 silver .
    You receive 6 gold .
    You receive 141 platinum .

    You gain experience!

    Shalowain greets you and begins to speak, but you hear two voices coming from the same mouth, one of the younger, hopeful sounding Shalowain, while the other is the ethereal voice you heard earlier. 'This day. I cannot come to terms with what happened this day. Its existence tears at the fabric of our reality. Our home here in this inn feels flimsy, like it can be lost at any moment if we are not careful. Our actions on this day set forth a chain of events we could not have anticipated. There is nothing more for you to do here. Speak to me at the inn and I will show you what happened next.'

    You have completed achievement: Partisan of Pal'Lomen
    Quest dialog.
    # Jan 08 2024 at 7:33 AM Rating: Excellent
    22 posts
    You say, 'Hail, Thormir Helmsbane'

    Thormir Helmsbane is casually talking with the other members of the party, clearing up any confusion and giving individual orders for the next steps as you greet him. 'Ye there, I don't know who ye are but it doesn't matter. I've seen ye helping the Elddar so clearly ye understand which side of history is the right one to be on.' He raises his voice and addresses everyone. 'On this day, we will be triumphant in our actions! We will be remembered for our bravery and we will stand tall above the oppressors!' He turns back to address you. 'Ah, as ye already know, the time for action is upon us. Tell me outsider, do ye have the [courage] to stand with us today?'

    You say, 'I have the courage every day!'

    Thormir Helmsbane bellows out a victorious laugh before he continues. 'Aye! That's the spirit! We have a few irons in the fire that are getting too hot so it's time to hammer or get out of the forge.' He whistles loudly and waves his arms as if to signal to everyone that it's time to move forward. You see Elddar begin to work faster and with more commitment. He looks proudly over everybody working together before addressing you, never averting his eyes from the people around him. 'As ye can see, preparations continue here. Are ye [ready] to take the fight to the Rallosians?'

    You say, 'I am more than ready!'

    You have been assigned the task 'Even Shadier Neighbors'.

    Thormir Helmsbane gives a huge grin and slaps you on the back roughly. He is reveling in this moment. 'Great news! Before ye get started, find the leader of the Elddar people and let him know that I am ready. He will know what to do after that! Good luck soldier.'
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