24th Anniversary: Footloose and Fancy Free  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Money
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Era:Night of Shadows
Group Size:Solo
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Entered: Sun Mar 12 16:29:44 2023
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This 24th anniversary task can be obtained from Erol Xybella in Plane of Tranquility at /waypoint 367, -2109, -927 outside of the building on the dock where you zone into Plane of Fire. They are on the find tool CTRL F.

You say, 'Hail, Erol Xybella'

Erol Xybella blows air aggressively into the horn and shakes a few drops of spittle out before addressing you. 'Terribly sorry about that mate, didn't mean to splash you like that. If you'll excuse me, I desperately need to get my nerves under control before I forget how to play any instrument at this point.' He attempts to play the horn he is holding but only warped, spit-filled, off-key air comes out. 'Blast this thing and throw it into the deep!' he notices that you are still watching him. 'Hey friend, I'd hate to bother you over something so trivial but I'm in [dire straights] and need of some help.'

You say, 'I don't get money for nothing, how can I help?'

Erol Xybella takes the horn in his hands and extends them out, investigating it further while speaking, 'My friends and I were a traveling band of musicians who parted ways a few years ago after a falling out over some, lets say financial issues. You probably heard of us, we played all over Norrath! If you're a fan of "Team Good Guys", well you're now talking to the hornist of that group!' He waits for you to acknowledge having heard of them. An awkward amount of time passes as a cricket chirps nearby. With a defeated tone, he continues, 'Ok, well, we were underground so I don't blame you for not having heard of us. We were a real [motley crew] and without them, I'm afraid I have lost the spark that would ignite the flames in my soul.'

You say, 'What do you need to kickstart your heart?'

Erol Xybella perks up to your words. 'Are you a lyricist as well? I felt that, as you said it. It felt like a breath of air, some oxygen to help the fire!' He is getting more and more excited. You can see the look on his face light up as he continues. 'Yes! That feeling! That's what we need. I cannot live like this, I need to entertain! I need to tell the tales of heroes! I need...' his eyes grow wide with realization, 'To get the band back together. Before we start the arduous journey through water, [earth, wind, and fire] trying to locate my fellow bards, I need to fix my current problem of not being able to play this thing. It's a poor craftsman who blames his tools, but as an artist I refuse to take the blame on this. I need a new horn.'

You say, 'That's the way of the world, isn't it?'
, -
Erol Xybella pretends to know what you are talking about, 'Indeed it is, my friend. Last year, I gave myself the task to visit as many taverns across Norrath and hear as many tales as I could along the way. I love learning the tales of heroes and the looks on peoples faces when you tell those tales over a warm fire. That is when I heard about a legendary clarion. A heroic horn, if you will. One that creates a sound so [sublime] that the gods themselves are moved to tears, or so they say. I want you to find this instrument for me. I had been following it across Halas when I ran into a snag.'

You say, 'What happened?'

Erol Xybella says, 'One thing I can say about the barbarians of Halas, they can take a punch but sadly they cannot take a joke. Apparently they don't find it funny when you poke fun of their essential oils. Anyway, the locals did not care for my presence before I could investigate the well next to some tavern that shares the same name as a legendary champion. The name escapes me but I know the tavern had a famous stout that they like to serve. The well, however, is holding a secret. Don't ask me how I know because if I tell you, you will think me craven. Head to Halas and explore the bottom of that well. If I'm right, then [WHAM], we will be in business!''

You say, 'I'm your man! I mean person.'

You have been assigned the task 'Footloose and Fancy Free'.

Erol Xybella says, 'This is going to rock! I just know it!'

You have been given a mission from the gods to get the band back together. Erol Xybella has asked you for help in finding his bandmates and convincing them to get together again. Erol has also asked you to look into finding a legendary musical instrument that he believes is somewhere in Norrath.

Erol has asked that you investigate the well outside of a tavern in Halas that specializes in it's "Dark Stout", begin your search for the horn there.

  • 1. Locate the legendary horn 0/1 Halas

    The well is located outside of Mcquaid's Dark Stout. /waypoint 189, -212, -1. Swim down to the bottom of the well and pick up the horn looking object. Horn of Crescendoing Legends.

    Your task 'Footloose and Fancy Free' has been updated.

  • 2. Bring Erol the Horn of Crescendoing Legends 0/1 The Plane of Tranquility

    You say, 'Hail, Erol Xybella'

    Erol Xybella says, 'Bards are overpowered. I mean, think about it. We get to choose how you look when we tell your stories. That's like having the ultimate last word.'

    You offered 1 Horn of Crescendoing Legends to Erol Xybella.

    Your task 'Footloose and Fancy Free' has been updated.

    Erol Xybella stares in absolute shock for a moment. The disbelief on his face will be etched into your mind's eye for years to come. 'I was right?!' he says quietly, but then yells in assurance, "I was right!" After moment of vindicated laughter washes over him, he begins to speak. 'You're probably wondering how I knew it was there? Well, simply put, I had a dream. The dream started with me trekking across a large desert where it rained but everything felt very dry. In the far distance i discovered an [oasis] and the closer I approached, sounds of angelic singing as well as the clanging of metal began to get louder and louder. It sounded like I was standing in the middle of a blacksmith's forge. I finally reached the water and when I went to quench my thirst, the sun got brighter and brighter and it got hotter and hotter until my lips turned blue and I fell over, frozen to death.'

    You complete the trade with Erol Xybella.

    You say, 'Sounds like halfway the world away.'

    Erol Xybella says, 'Well, most make little sense but some can be prophetic. On a hunch, I pieced together that something was waiting for me in that well. When I went to investigate, I could hear that angelic singing and clanging again when I was near the well, but the locals wouldn't appreciate me just diving into their well. Especially after I wore out my welcome. Now that I know that I am not going mad, I can tell you that before we broke up, my other bandmates confided in each other that they too have had weird dreams hearing the same sounds. I implore you to locate my bandmates, Rhysl Dorbint, Gael Le Rhytid, and Llaydo Tamms. Rhysl is known to haunt the Fool's Gold in Rivervale, look for him and tell him "Erol found it." He will know what you mean.''

  • 3. Tell Rhysl Dorbint that 'Erol found it' 0/1 Rivervale

    Quest Text: The discovery of the instrument means that Erol was right about their existence. Now that he is united with the Horn of Crescendoing Legends, he begs you to find Rhysl Dorbint in Rivervale and help him find his instrument.

    Rhysl Dorbint is located at /waypoint -219, -77, -2 in southwest Rivervale not far from Uma Sweetcookie. He's on Find (Ctrl+F).

    You say, 'Hail, Rhysl Dorbint'

    Rhysl Dorbint is whistling a tune as you greet him. 'I have this song in my head but I can't get it out. Maybe I should go back to the Fool's Gold for another pint. Who says Rivervale beer isn't as good as Kaladim's brew? Hogwash I say!'

    You say, 'Erol found it'

    Your task 'Footloose and Fancy Free' has been updated.

    Rhysl Dorbint looks up from his glass and glares directly into your eyes. A deep, low voice grumbles, 'You're joking. You have to be. I refuse to believe you.' He takes a sip from the glass and collects his thoughts before continuing. 'You know that's what broke up the band in the first place right? Erol likes to tell people it was money problems but really it was because he cursed us with these-' he grows agitated, spitting as he says, 'Visions or whatever you want to call them. I bet he told you that we each also have had to deal with this same [madness]. Constant incessant clanging with singing that, at first, you think sounds pleasant. That's only pleasant for the first hour or two, after that it's a waking nightmare.'

    You say, 'I didn't take you for a bed and breakfast man.'

    Rhysl Dorbint looks around at his surroundings, giving a small defeated sigh. 'Normally, I would like to be at a place that is more accommodating for someone my size. Gods know that I have several bruises on my head because of it. However, I came here because this is where the music is the quietest. I can think if not but for a moment before I hear it again. My plan was to gather up some provisions and take a [journey] to Firiona Vie. That is where the music was the loudest. If you want to save my sanity, could you search around Firiona Vie? I'm at my wits end and my only respite is to give in to what Erol has told us. Finding this will help quell the noise, and I can go back to living in peace.

    You say, 'Any way you want it!'

    Rhysl Dorbint says, 'Thank you! I heard the sounds the closer I got to the shores. That may be where you want to start looking. You won't be able to hear the sounds, but a keen eye will be able to locate something that isn't supposed to be there.'

  • 4. Locate the legendary flute 0/1 Firiona Vie

    Quest Text: Rhysl has stated that he hears the same angelic noises and clanging as Erol and that is has driven him insane. He asked that you investigate the shores of Firiona Vie for an instrument, as that is where he said the noise was the loudest for him.

    The Flute of Everlasting Gallantry is in the water on the ground outside the main city near northwest wall at /waypoint -2836, 3361, -146.

  • 5. Deliver the Flute of Everlasting Gallantry to Rhysl 0/1 Rivervale

    Hand Rhysl in Rivervale the Flute of Everlasting Gallantry.

    You offered 1 Flute of Everlasting Gallantry to Rhysl Dorbint.
    Your task 'Footloose and Fancy Free' has been updated.

    Rhysl Dorbint clasps his hands around his ears as you approach. He looks like he is overwhelmed by the sound that only he can hear. You hand him the flute and a sense of calmness washes over him. He relaxes his shoulders and after wiping a small tear from his eye he says, 'Thank you. Thank you adventurer! It's quiet, the noise stopped. It seems we are destined to find these instruments. I hope the other bandmates are not losing their minds like I have been. Please adventurer, you need to find Gael Le Rhytid, she was our string instrument expert. She is incredibly talented and you can probably find her in her home in the treetops of Kelethin.'

    You complete the trade with Rhysl Dorbint.

  • 6. Speak with Gael Le Rhytid in Kelethin 0/1 The Greater Faydark

    Gael Le Rhytid is up on the far northwest platform in the city in Greater Faydark at /waypoint 973, 509, 119. She's on Find (Ctrl+F).

    Hail her for the update.

    You say, 'Hail, Gael Le Rhytid'

    Your task 'Footloose and Fancy Free' has been updated.

    Gael Le Rhytid is banging on a drum as you approach. There is a bucket in front of her with a small amount of silver and copper pieces. You suspect that this is supposed to be music but it just sounds like noise to you. 'Oh, another adventurer, could you spare a few coin for a musician down on her luck?' The drum she is using looks much like the other instruments that you have delivered. However, the music coming from it is off beat and truth be told, actually annoys you. You feel that paying anything would be an insult to rhythm itself, and you don't want to encourage her to keep going. 'Well then, are you going to keep gawking like some [daft punk], or are you going to help?'

    You say, 'Are you sure that you are doin' it right?'

    Gael Le Rhytid gives a glare that could burn a hole through Luclin, first the moon and then the God. She lets out a sigh of defeat before speaking. 'I suppose you are right, this thing isn't really my jam. This is more of an instrument for Llaydo Tamms than for me. He just made it look so easy that I thought I could try my hand at drums. This is much harder than it looks. I'm more of a luthier myself, but I had lost my favorite lute to the [pixies] when I was practicing out in the forest to the north. I must have been unknowingly in their territory and they felt threatened. If you really wanted help a lady out, could you find my barbat? I'm sure one of the pixies has it in their possession.'

    You say, 'It's all I think about now.'

    Gael Le Rhytid perks up when you agree, 'Really!? I've been asking the guards to help retrieve it for me but none of them seem too keen into kicking the hornet's nest just for me. I'll wait here for your triumphant return!'

  • 7. Find Gael's lute amongst the pixies of Greater Faydark 0/1 The Greater Faydark

    Quest Text: Gael said that she was in the forest and playing her instrument when she was attacked by pixies. "Convince" one to give up the instrument.

    a pixie trickster drops the Barbat of Unrelenting Chivalry, they are roaming around the zone usually in the southwest to south part of the zone around the path between Butcherblock and Lesser Faydark. Bring a tracker if you want to speed this up.

  • 8. Return the Barbat of Unrelenting Chivarly to Gael 0/1 The Greater Faydark

    You offered 1 Barbat of Unrelenting Chivalry to Gael Le Rhytid.

    You have been given: Drum of Legendary Unison

    Your task 'Footloose and Fancy Free' has been updated.

    Gael Le Rhytid's smile widens as you hand her the lute. You can almost see the breath of life fill into her. She looks as if she has been reunited with a long-lost friend. She speaks with a cracked voice, overwhelmed with emotion. 'I can't believe I have you back, my old friend.' she says, clearly speaking to the lute. Gael takes a moment to adjust the tuning knobs but is surprised to find that it is perfectly in tune. 'Ok, let's see if I can work out [the kinks].

    You say, 'I could listen to this all day and all of the night.'

    Gael Le Rhytid plucks at the strings so fast that you could swear that the noises coming out were from four hands instead of two. The sound is so beautiful that you feel a wide breadth of emotions, even though she's clearly just jamming out on her own. She finishes with a flourish and she leaves you stunned with her performance. She speaks up again, breaking her spell, 'Well you did it, you got me back into the band. Erol went a little mad trying to figure out the source of the sounds him and the others where hearing, but I never heard them. This barbat has been handed down in my family for generations. Turns out I was the only one who knew how to play it. That means that I owe that tone [deaf leopard] an apology.

    You say, 'Let it go.'

    Gael Le Rhytid sighs as she looks at the drum, 'Well, I'm guessing this will be his then. I actually found it when I was visiting the Hollowshade Moors on Luclin. Llaydo Tamms has always had a soft spot for West Freeport. Perhaps head there and see if you can find him in one of the taverns. Bring him the drum. I wouldn't suggest trying to play it, it seems that it will not play correctly for anybody who isn't who the instrument was meant for.'

  • 9. Bring Bring Llaydo Tamms the Drum of Legendary Unison 0/1 West Freeport the Drum of Legendary Unison 0/1 West Freeport

    Quest Text: Gael has given you a drum to return to Llaydo Tamms, a Vah Shir who frequents West Freeport. You may be able to find him in a tavern. Bring him the Drum of Legendary Unison.

    Llaydo Tamms is inside Tassel's Tavern to the left at the entrance. He's on Find (Ctrl+F).
    /waypoint -158, -435, -88

    You say, 'Hail, Llaydo Tamms'

    Llaydo Tamms raises his pointer finger on his right hand to protest whatever it is you are about to say, even though you haven't said anything. His attention is interrupted as he stares at the tip of his finger. His eyes are crossed because of how close his finger is. He stretches out his arm, still staring at his finger, and moves it back and forth, trying to focus on the tip of his finger. He then moves the finger back to in front of his face, crossing his eyes again. He flicks his finger forward and drunkenly says, 'Heyo!' as if he figured out what it was he was doing. He waves you away.

    You offered 1 Drum of Legendary Unison to Llaydo Tamms.

    Llaydo Tamms is clearly deep in his cups as you approach him. He can barely function. As you hand him the drum, he takes it and immediately flips it and holds it close to his chest. He looks pale, as if he's about to get sick. Before your eyes, he perks up just a bit, some color returns to his skin as he burps through his words. 'Erol found them huh? and this one is mine?' He uncomfortably lets out a wet burp before continuing. 'Tell him I'm in.' He flips the drum and secures it to his belt before passing out. Erol would like to hear that the instruments have been returned.

  • 10. Catch up with Erol 0/1 Plane of Tranquility

    You say, 'Hail, Erol Xybella'

    Erol Xybella is pleased to see you. 'Ah! Adventurer! I have received word from the others that they have gotten their instruments and we are ready to get the band back together! All of your hard work has come to this point!' He pauses to let the moment pass before continuing. 'Now I get to ask you for your work yet again. Our band is missing something, it needs a voice. We never had a vocalist and now seems like a good time to find one. I have spoken to several candidates and have narrowed down to one. She has been skeptical to join but [the doors] for recruiting her are closing as we speak.

    You say, 'People are strange.'

    Erol Xybella says, 'You said it, not me. I need you to speak with her, she is waiting for you in the Plane of Knowledge. Her name is just "Adaha." No surname, that's how you can tell she's a real artist! I beg you adventurer, please convince her to join us.'

  • 11. Find "Adaha" in the Plane of Knowledge 0/1 The Plane of Knowledge

    Adaha is at /waypoint 428, -90, -156 right in front of the Nexus stone. She's on Find (Ctrl+F).

    You say, 'Hail, Adaha'

    Adaha swishes the hair from across the front of her face, placing it behind her ear. Your eyes catch hers and you get lost for just a moment in them. She addresses you, 'Oh, you must be the associate that Erol was talking about. I have done much thinking on this subject and wanted to be clear. I want to join their group, it sounds like a lot of fun! However, I fear that because I am not as worldly travelled, that I may not be of much help for song writing. I would love to sing about the achievements and heroic endeavors of others, but my head feels like a [limp biscuit].'

    You say, 'Do you want me to take a look around?'

    Adaha smiles as you suggest searching the Plane of Knowledge. 'See! That's exactly why I was here. I was hoping to find a book of heroic deeds or tales that could inspire my song writing. I understood that there was a building here where fellowships are formed. I wanted to start my searching there, as it seems like a good place to keep a record of heroes and their deeds. You are an expert on heroics, can you locate a book I could use? I have never been to this plane before and am very lost. Tell me, does the music ever stop? What is with this clanging?'

  • 12. Locate a book of epic deeds 0/1 Plane of Knowledge

    This step updates near the bookcase on the east wall inside of the building for fellowships at /waypoint 419, -7, -156.

    You are given: Epic Tales of Heroism

    Bonus Item: Music Box: Ballad of Legends: Hand in the Epic Tales of Heroism to The Great Hero Ezra in the Plane of Knowledge at /waypoint 341, 90, -156 outside of the same building near where you pick up the book.

    You say, 'Hail, The Great Hero Ezra'

    The Great Hero Ezra says, 'The bards will sing of you someday, much like they sing of me today!'

    You offered 1 Epic Tales of Heroism to The Great Hero Ezra.

    The Great Hero Ezra quickly snatches the book out of your hands, 'A fan! Who should I make this out to?' She opens the book without you giving an answer. She flips through a few pages before she gets a sour look across her face. 'Who are these people? Why don't people understand that your boring life should not be put to paper. Live an adventurous life! Learn new things! At least try to be a hero!' She pulls out a quill, flips to the last page and autographs it with a flourish. 'The only reason anybody would hand me a book is to sign it. Here, you can have it back.'

    You are given: Autographed Epic Tales of Heroism

  • 13. Give Adaha "Epic Tales of Heroism" 0/1 Plane of Knowledge

    You say, 'Hail, Adaha'

    Adaha is looking around, searching the horizon, 'Where to start...Where to start...'

    You offered 1 Epic Tales of Heroism to Adaha. (Autographed Epic Tales of Heroism works also)

    When handing in "Autographed Epic Tales of Heroism", you are given: Music Box: Ballad of Legends

    Adaha takes the book from you. As soon as she takes the book, she begins to look around as if something had changed, 'Oh, the music stopped. I wonder what that was all about. Whatever they were making must be completed because I no longer hear that clanging.' She takes a moment to flip through the pages, her eyes light up and her mouth widens into a smile. 'This is it! Yes! I can use this! Thank you adventurer. Tell Erol that 'Adaha is in', I will meet up with him later.' She is distracted by the book again. 'Oh this is some good stuff!' She gets lost in the pages, completely oblivious to you standing there. It would be best to let her work.

  • 14. Return to Erol and let him know that "Adaha is in" 0/1 The Plane of Tranquility

    You say, 'Adaha is in'

    Your task 'Footloose and Fancy Free' has been updated.
    You hope that someday, bards will sing of your epic tales. Who knows? Maybe you will end up in a book of heroic deeds!
    You receive 5 silver .
    You receive 2 gold .
    You receive 2 platinum .
    You received 10 Commemorative Coins.

    Erol Xybella has been eagerly waiting for your return. As you tell him about Adaha, he yells, 'Woo!', claps his hands loudly and begins to dance a strange little dance before speaking. 'Finally! All this work for this moment. Thank you adventurer. You where a real inspiration to everything that we do here! I hope we cross paths again someday. By then, we might be heroic adventurers ourselves!'

    2pp 2g 5s
    10 Commemorative Coins
  • Submitted by: Gidono
    Send a Correction
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    Doable at level 1
    # May 01 2024 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
    232 posts
    Level 1 magician with temp, hos, stamina, agility, and illusion benefit dena with journeyman tank merc with same buffs. Only 'official' fight was with the pixie trickster and it was an even con. I did use a cloudy potion in FV thought and wall walked cause those drachnids can occasionally see through invis and neither toon would pose any difficulty for the few seconds it took to send them to bind. Only xp was from the mobs that agro'd in Gfay while looking for the pixie trickster. Money was correct as in it didn't scale to level. Only did it to hear the music. Worth it,
    Minor Correction
    # Apr 14 2023 at 6:55 PM Rating: Good
    44 posts
    " Rhysl Dorbint in Riverdale"

    Just a minor correction. Please change the above from Riverdale to Rivervale.
    The Good Lord gave us whiskey only to keep the Irish from taking over the world.
    # Mar 24 2023 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
    430 posts
    pixie tricksters...kill mobs under Kelethin, got 4 to spawn.

    Locate a book of epic deeds 0/1 Plane of Knowledge

    You get the update automatically as you near the eastern wall and the book appears on your cursor.

    Edited, Mar 24th 2023 9:54am by hotrod

    Edited, Mar 24th 2023 9:56am by hotrod
    Life needs more cowbell.

    Bonus loot
    # Mar 21 2023 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
    86 posts
    Great to say you can get the music box.
    More helpful to say how

    For those interested

    Before turning in the "Epics from the Realm of Heroes" to Adaha, instead first Turn it in to The Great Hero Ezra, then Turn it in to Adaha, this will award the Bonus Loot

    The Great Hero Ezra is standing at the enterance to the fellowship building

    Edited, Mar 21st 2023 6:44am by Barkwillow
    Fizen Dirtnap
    Bonus loot
    # Mar 24 2023 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
    430 posts
    You hand the book to The Great hero Ezra, who is located at the entrance to that same building, and the box appears on your cursor.
    Life needs more cowbell.

    Image link
    # Mar 18 2023 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
    654 posts
    Antonius Bayle
    # Mar 17 2023 at 8:32 PM Rating: Decent
    654 posts
    The Reward should include Music Box: Ballad of Legends.
    It's technically given before the platinum and Commemorative Coins, but you can right click it anytime to hear classic EverQuest music.

    Music Box: Ballad of Legends

    Edited, Mar 17th 2023 9:59pm by Sequince
    Antonius Bayle
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